Mike Deacon Counselling helping you create the life you seek


How much do you charge?
I charge £55 per session. Concessions available.

How long is a session?
A counselling session lasts for 50 minutes.

When do you offer appointments?
I offer evening appointments.

How many sessions will I need?
This will depend on factors such as whether you approach counselling with a single issue of perhaps more recent origin, or whether the difficulties you wish to explore have been longer term and are more complex. In any case, my aim is to explore with you, in your first session, how you will know when you are ready to finish having counselling. And in my longer-term work, I encourage regular reviews of the purpose and direction of the sessions. You are, of course, free to stop having sessions at any time.

How do I make an appointment?
Your next step is to contact me by phone or email, so that we can agree a time and date for an initial session – which will give you the opportunity to explore whether you wish to proceed with counselling. If we agree that I can be of help, then we will set dates for further sessions.

Do I have to pay for cancelled or missed sessions?
If you give me sufficient notice (48 hours or more), I can offer the session to another person. For late cancellations or missed sessions the fee would otherwise be payable.


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