Mike Deacon Counselling helping you create the life you seek

How counselling can help

Counselling can be very effective in addressing particular issues such as how to approach a difficult relationship or how to handle conflict at work or at home. It is based upon the fact that we all have resources deep within us, but that sometimes support is needed in understanding feelings and thinking things through, so that a helpful and productive way forward can be found.

My approach

I use an integrative counselling model in the way I approach my work. This provides me with a framework which is based upon creating a therapeutic relationship. Working within this framework, I draw upon humanistic, psychodynamic and transpersonal theories, these informing the therapy I offer, and enabling me to tailor my approach to each person I work with, reflecting my belief that each person is unique.

How best to approach counselling

Being mindful of the following can help you achieve what you are looking for through your sessions:

Being yourself
People sometimes come to counselling having spent many years avoiding sharing how they feel and what they think about things. Your sessions are an opportunity to really be honest in expressing what you are feeling and thinking – an opportunity that could transform your future.

Sharing openly
Getting used to being open and sharing what is difficult for you, is a process. This takes time and is easier for some people and more difficult for others. However it is for you – and we will go at a speed which is comfortable for you – the more you get used to this, the more the work will become effective.

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